Barbershop Organisations
Sweet Adelines International: "Founded in 1945, in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Sweet Adelines started as a small group of women who loved to sing. Since then, it has evolved into an organization that spans the globe, connecting nearly 21,000 singers around the world in song." |
Quartet of Nations: "A vibrant community of singers representing Sweet Adelines International in England, Scotland, Wales and the Netherlands." |
LABBS: "Ladies Association of British Barbershop Singers - leading the way in harmony" |
IABS: "IABS is the organisation which supports and promotes the tradition of barbershop singing in Ireland. This thriving art form includes modern pop, jazz and folk music arranged in the barbershop style of A Cappella four-part harmony" |
Barbershop Harmony Society: "Our mission: to bring people together in harmony and fellowship to enrich lives through singing" |
General Barbershop
European Barbershop Convention: |
Making Music: "Making Music is the UK's membership organisation for leisure-time music, with a membership of over 3,700 groups representing around 200,000 music makers across the UK." |