Nancy Kelsall
Nancy Kelsall has been the Musical Director of Heartbeat Chorus since 2010. Although her first time directing a chorus, she already had a long and illustrious career in barbershop.
Whilst at University, Nancy became infected with the "barbershop bug" (the very best bug to have!) when she joined the multi-award winning chorus The White Rosettes. Since then she has sung with two other medal winning choruses - Cheshire Chord Company and Heartbeat Chorus. But chorus singing was not enough for Nancy. She also threw herself into quartet singing. Singing lead with Eu4ia, and later baritone with The Mix, she won gold medals at Sweet Adelines Region 31, LABBS (Ladies Association of British Barbershop Singers) and European competitions. In 2005 Eu4ia sang at the Sweet Adelines International Convention in Detroit and were placed 12th - in the world. What an achievement!
Nancy is never half-hearted about anything. Just as she had thrown herself into quartet singing, she threw herself into chorus directing. She undertook the Sweet Adelines Directors Programme and was presented with her DCP completion certificate at regional convention in 2012. At that same convention, she took Heartbeat Chorus to its first ever score of over 600 points and achieved the title "Master Director". The next goal must surely be to earn the "Master Director 700" title by taking the chorus to a score of over 700. Under her leadership the chorus scored 685 when winning the gold medal at the regional convention in 2019. Not far to go then!
We are so proud and honoured to have such a dedicated and inspiring MD.
Nancy is also a Singing Judge in LABBS and regularly coaches quartets and choruses.
Surprisingly, Nancy does have a home life. She is supported by her husband, Simon and their lovely daughter. She is also a corporate lawyer.
We suspect Nancy's days are longer than 24 hours....